Building Faster, Trust, Safer, Smarter

Automate the tasks that slow you down and enhance the work that drives results. Free up time from repetitive tasks to focus on what truly impacts your project

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Trusted by top construction companies.
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Leading Contractors are Utilizing Genda to Make Sure Their Projects Are on Track

Utilizing a multi-purpose field app, GCs save valuable time on tedious tasks and own unique location data to improve productivity and safety while minimizing risk.

How it works

Daily tasks are digitized in one single app 1

Daily tasks are digitized in one single app

Daily tasks are digitized in one single app-2

Bluetooth location beacons are installed on site & integrate with the app

Daily tasks are digitized in one single app 5

AI data analysis generates insights

Workforce Management

Why Choose Genda?


  • Reduce app fatigue- One app that unifies numerous solutions in one spot. Less apps, easier onboarding, great adoption, lower costs.
  • For the same effort it takes to deploy any other solution, you add the location-specific 'special sauce' that gives your company the competitive edge it needs.
  • The only solution that generates reliable, scalable, accurate location data- the fuel for the AI revolution.
  • The trades actually like it- a worker or a subcontractor introduced 50% of Genda’s projects to the GC- 70% of Genda’s users use Genda every day.

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