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Genda is your safety assistant

Digital Safety Management.

With hazards around every crane, cord, or ladder, it’s not an easy job on paper. Know where everyone is, and reach everyone in seconds.
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Go Paperless. Reduce risks

No more paper problems.

Printing, scanning and manually tracking safety orientations is wasting precious time you need for the serious stuff.

Upload your safety orientation video, get a digital signature, and spend your time talking with the trades about the biggest on site hazards. 

Enhanced Form Management

no more trips to the trailer

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Enhanced Form Submission Workflow

Foremen can now easily view, submit, and request approval for new types of forms directly from their mobile devices, ensuring that safety and compliance documents are managed more efficiently than ever.

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Digital Forms

Saving hours a week collecting and scanning paperwork

  • Picture / Digital form
  • Digital signatures by workers
  • Uploaded to PM software
  • Compliance dashboard for easy management
  • Special permits- hot work, confined spaces etc.
  • Sign in sheets
  • Scan & upload anything to PM software
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Form Management Dashboard

We address everyday difficulty of tracking form submissions and approvals, Safety managers and site managers have a new dashboard to inspect, approve, and manage all submitted forms by all trade partners.

Enhanced Safety Through Effective Communication

Safety Starts with Communication

Great communication means safer sites. On busy job sites, every second counts in an emergency. Make sure you can quickly reach your crew, help them evacuate fast, and empower them to report potential hazards, reducing risks across the board.

communicate better

Site Specific In App Team Communication

Private team communication for location specific hazards or important notifications. Only message workers who are checked in and on site.


reach everyone quickly

Weather & Location Specific Danger Alerts

Using in app messaging, you can be sure that when there are job site scares, weather  emergencies, or potential hazards, everyone in the area of danger gets the message.


Safety Communications

Prevent delays.

Location Based Safety Reports & Alerts

  • Having 200 eyes in the field looking for hazards
  • Worker reporting on hazards around them- Improving safety culture & reducing risk
  • Location based alerts on hazards near you
  • Can be integrated with Procore observations

throw away your scanner

Digital Safety Orientations

Save time and onboard workers digitally with customizable safety modules like un-skippable videos, documents and procedures.


Safety orientation

Genda's suite of tools

Tools designed to reduce waiting, guessing, tedious tasks, and inaccurate data.

Hoist Management

Wireless Hoist calling solution
  • Wireless hoist cloud call system
  • Urgent/priority calls
  • Real time hoist location and direction
  • See and analyze wait times
  • In-service/Out-of-service reporting

Resource Scheduling

  • Resource coordination solution
    • Schedule deliveries
    • Get notified on new/modified deliveries in real time
    • Calendar-based scheduling
    • Quick and easy reservations (equipment and hoist)
    • Unlimited resources
    • Accessible from mobile/tablet/PC/Office

Digital Safety & Communications

  • Digital, customizable safety orientation (no skipping)
  • Digital, customizable  JHAs
  • See it, snap it, share it safety notifications
  • Two button emergency alert capability
  • Evacuation alerts
  • Automated severe weather alerts and updates
  • On the go location based hazard alerts
  • In-app broadcast messaging
  • Crew communication tool

Labor Oversight

  • Real-time trade location data: Who is on site and where are they?
  • Real-time trade activity: What activities are ongoing?
  • Schedule integration
  • Real time updates on unplanned activities
  • Project management software integration
  • Analytics-as-a-service
    • Dedicated project analyst and site specific insights
  • Unit accurate time spent per worker/sub
  • Visual heat maps of time spent on site
  • Weekly HC reports by sub
  • Chat bot tool for the daily log

Schedule a Demo.

Or walk through a guided tour. Or download a brochure. It's up to you. We're here to help!
From the Blog

Gain More Brain Power

(If that's even possible, Smarty Pants)