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Make Decisions You Can Bank On 

As a Construction Executive, access precise, real-time data to benchmark and predict your project's performance with Genda.

  • Benchmark Performance: Compare trade performance metrics for insights and improvements.
  • Measure Accuracy: Monitor planned vs. actual outcomes to maintain project precision.
  • Reduce Inefficiencies: Use data to streamline operations and eliminate bottlenecks.
Go Where No Ops Manager Has Gone Before

Enhance Trust and Verification

Trust and transparency are vital for successful project management. Genda’s platform fosters seamless communication and accountability, keeping your projects on track and stakeholders aligned.

  • Real-Time Execution Monitoring: Access a comprehensive dashboard to monitor task completion and team performance in real-time, ensuring projects stay on track.
  • Subcontractor Accountability: Gain detailed insights into subcontractor performance, enabling proactive issue resolution and informed decision-making.
  • Proactive Communication: Utilize automated reports and in-app messaging to ensure everyone stays informed and aligned.


Better Data, Better Insights

Boost Productivity & Save Time

Maximize productivity and save time with Genda’s advanced tools and streamlined processes, reducing manual tasks and enhancing site safety.

  • Optimized Hoist Operations: Enhance site productivity with tools that optimize hoist operations through prioritization algorithms, in-depth reporting, and analytics for timely decisions.
  • Unified Platform: Combine multiple management functions into one app to simplify processes and reduce app fatigue.
  • Streamlined Safety Compliance: Implement digital safety orientations, customizable Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) forms, proximity safety warnings, and real-time safety alerts to ensure compliance and reduce paperwork.

Seeing is believing. So fill out our interactive cost-savings calculator and take a look at Genda's ROI.


Strengthen Owner Relationships

Building strong relationships with project owners is critical for success. Genda ensures clear, data-backed communication and regular updates on project milestones and safety records.

  • Showcase Project Highlights: Provide regular updates on key milestones, safety records, and other achievements to demonstrate team commitment.
  • Data-Driven Communication: Offer clear, data-backed updates on project status, including change orders and workforce headcount, to foster transparency with project owners.
  • Proactive Safety Management: Show your commitment to safety by utilizing real-time safety hazard alerts for immediate action, ensuring a safer work environment.

"Genda will help us get from a $500M contractor to a Billion Dollar contractor."

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From the Blog

Gain More Brain Power

(If that's even possible, Smarty Pants)