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Genda is your construction safety assistant

Managing job site safety doesn't have to be risky.

Without eyes everywhere, an incident, near miss, or hazard can happen anywhere. Especially if you're stuck dealing with paperwork in the job site trailer. Genda helps you empower workers to report potential safety hazards, notify site workers of emergencies, and helps evacuate the site if something dangerous occurs.

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Go Paperless. Reduce risks

Throw away the scanner and the janky file cabinet.

Your time is more valuable.

Genda saves you time digitizing your construction safety orientations, forms (JHAs/PTPs/SHAs), and automating processes (like gathering signatures).

Genda's suite of tools

Tools designed to reduce waiting, guessing, tedious tasks, and inaccurate data.

Hoist Management

Wireless Hoist calling solution
  • Wireless hoist cloud call system
  • Urgent/priority calls
  • Real time hoist location and direction
  • See and analyze wait times
  • In-service/Out-of-service reporting

Resource Scheduling

  • Resource coordination solution
    • Schedule deliveries
    • Get notified on new/modified deliveries in real time
    • Calendar-based scheduling
    • Quick and easy reservations (equipment and hoist)
    • Unlimited resources
    • Accessible from mobile/tablet/PC/Office

Digital Safety & Communications

  • Digital, customizable safety orientation (no skipping)
  • Digital, customizable  JHAs
  • See it, snap it, share it safety notifications
  • Two button emergency alert capability
  • Evacuation alerts
  • Automated severe weather alerts and updates
  • On the go location based hazard alerts
  • In-app broadcast messaging
  • Crew communication tool

Labor Oversight

  • Real-time trade location data: Who is on site and where are they?
  • Real-time trade activity: What activities are ongoing?
  • Schedule integration
  • Real time updates on unplanned activities
  • Project management software integration
  • Analytics-as-a-service
    • Dedicated project analyst and site specific insights
  • Unit accurate time spent per worker/sub
  • Visual heat maps of time spent on site
  • Weekly HC reports by sub
  • Chat bot tool for the daily log
From the Blog

Gain More Brain Power

(If that's even possible, Smarty Pants)